Using Email

From MobileX for SageCRM

This page assumes you have already connected your mailbox using either the Office365 method or IMAP

Once connected the mail box will display something like this

You can preform certain actions on the inbox.

A. If the email is a SENT email this icon shows.

B. If the email is received in this icon shows.

C. You can search within the mailbox

D. Logout - disconnects the mailbox

E. Refresh the mailbox

F. Searches the system based on the email address it came from (or was sent to)

Clicking the email icon will also open the view email dialog and set that email as the active selected email. This is used then when you try file an email against an entity

When you select an email and then view an entity you will see the File Email button (A)

When clicked you see the option to Save this against the given Entity

Click "Save" to complete