Easy API

From MobileX for SageCRM
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UPDATE March 2020 - not to be used as this will be replaced -

New Easy API - Designed to make "some" screens easy to provide in the interface

  • showScreens - screens with optional edit
 - Parameters
   1. Entity - name of the entity
   2. EntityIdField - id field of the entity
   3. Screens - Comma seperated list of CRM screens
   4. EntityToUse - name field to make ContextEntityfield value to
   5. ContextEntityfield - name of the entity context (tab) we are in
   6. allowEdit - boolean - set to true to show edit button


   showScreens(cApp.EntityName, cApp.EntityId,'CustomCompanyScreenMX1,CustomCompanyScreenMX2', 'company', 'comp_companyid','comp_companyid',true);

  • cugetList – Table style lists
 - Parameters
   1. Entity - name of the entity
   2. EntityIdField - id field of the entity
   3. EntityOrderBy - order date by this column
   4. displayfields - optional - comma delimited list of fields, alternatively use CRMListToUse
   5. linktoEntity - boolean - allows the item be clicked on to navigate the user to that entity record summary page
   6. customlink - optional - set linktoEntity to false and instead set your own function call
   7. CRMListToUse - optional - name of a list in CRM alternatively use displayfields 



  • getListScreen – repeating screens style list
 - Parameters 
   1. entityname
 - Notes
   1. Expects view "vENTITYnamesummary" to exist and must contain fields "pers_firstname,pers_lastname,pers_personid,comp_name,comp_companyid".
   2. Expects screen "ENTITYOfficeIntSmall"



Example showing how to add in a menu item on the footer that then displays a web page

 1. Navigate to the 'Administration -> Advanced Customisation -> System Menus'
 2. Open (or create) the menu 'MXFooterMenu'
 3. Add menu item setting:
   caption: site
   custom file: fa fa-bar-chart
   sql: getwebsite('Site');
 4. Save this
 5. Open the custompages/sagecrmws folder
 6. open web.config
 7. Add into 'CustomPlugins'
        <add name="website" />
              <add name="website" />    
 8. Open the custompages/sagecrmws/js/plugins folder
 9. Create a folder called 'website'
 10. Create a folder called 'client'
 11. Create a file called 'plugin.js'
 12. add the following contents to the file created in 11
    var onDocumentReady = function () {
    var onContextChanged = function () {
    var _websitecount=0;
    function getwebsite(_caption)
         var powerbititle2 = Factory.createLabel("powerbititle2");
         powerbititle2.pr_caption = _caption;
         powerbititle2.position(110, 10, true);
         console.log('getPowerBI2 demo');
         var pr_targetImage2 = Factory.createIFrame("pr_targetImage2");
         pr_targetImage2.pr_height = "100%";
         pr_targetImage2.pr_width = "100%";
         pr_targetImage2.pr_onclick = "";
         pr_targetImage2.position(0, 0);