
From MobileX for SageCRM
Revision as of 13:36, 28 June 2016 by Crmtogether (talk | contribs)

The client plugin is created in the file "SageCRMWS/js/plugins/PLUGINNAME/client/plugin.js"

You would add the following:

 var onDocumentReady = function () {
 var onContextChanged = function () {

This is the basic setup of the client plugin

 onDocumentReady  - Called when the web application has finished loading.
 onContextChanged - Called when a context in the web application has changed, as the result of calling cApp.setContext() method.

Next thing we might want to do is create a button the screen.

 var onContextChanged = function () {
   // Add "Orders" tab to the Company Summary
   if (cApp.EntityName == "company") {
       cApp.btnOrders= Factory.createTopButton("btnOrders");
       cApp.btnOrders.pr_caption = "Order";
       cApp.btnOrders.pr_icon = "icon-envelope icon-white";
       cApp.btnOrders.pr_onclick = "cApp.sendOrder();";
       cApp.btnOrders.pr_insert = true;
       cApp.btnOrders.position(255, 2);

Our client API uses the Factory method to control creating elements.

See Factory API